FREE Resources

Back Issues of the Waldorf Clearing House Newsletter
updated February 24, 2016

FREE Waldorf Curriculum Materials

Here are gathered all the curriculum materials you need to truly understand and teach Waldorf - and they're available for free!

It will never be completely free to homeschool your child, of course, with the costs of music, art, and handwork materials and the need for basic school supplies such as paper, but you can certainly do a successful job even on a very tight budget.

Online Links

That's It! You're Done!
(And if you don't believe me, I'm guessing it's because you skipped reading the article by Steiner and only skimmed the index of the 50 back issues of the Newsletter. READ THEM.)

Back Issues of the Waldorf Clearing House Newsletter (pdf)

The link above is the complete index, with notes as to the content of each issue. The links below are to download the newsletters themselves.

Affiliate links through Amazon cover domain registration, web hosting, and website backup fees. This allows me to offer
my materials for free. Any extra revenue is used as our homeschool budget for the month. Thank you for your support!

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