The Curriculum of the Steiner School - Class 4

Notes and Lesson Plans

Norse Mythology
updated June 29, 2024

Recorded here is my own personal collection of articles, resources, favorite links, teaching ideas, and lesson plans. It encompasses many years, from the very beginning of my experience studying and learning about Waldorf to the present time. People from all around the world visit my site and recommend it to others. Welcome!

This site records my journey. I hope my honesty is encouraging and helps break down some barriers that may prevent people from trying Waldorf methods. Because this is an ongoing site documenting my curriculum planning and ideas, some materials are more Waldorf-y than others. Please feel free to take what you like and leave the rest.

This page has helpful links and LOADS of free resources to help you plan your fourth grade year. Enjoy!

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Norse Mythology
for Class 4

Waldorf Main Lesson Block Planning: Norse Mythology

Join a community of fellow homeschoolers planning this exact same main lesson block for plenty of help and support. This course is aimed at homeschoolers who are already familiar with the Waldorf method, but would appreciate extra feedback and encouragement in planning this block.

Make friends and ask specfic questions of an experienced Waldorf homeschool teacher and consultant as you work through this inspiring, do-able, step by step course. Just $25.00!

Pinterest - Renee Schwartz
My curated collection of visuals! Browse sample main lesson book pages, watercolor paintings, chalkboard drawings, etc. for Norse Mythology.

MLB pages - Norse Mythology I & II
my blog post with all of the photographs of Leah's work for this block

Painting Norse Mythology
my blog post with notes and pictures from my watercolor painting course with Gail McManus

Grade 4 Nordic Blocks
blog post - Syrendell

Suggestions for Teaching Fourth Grade Norse Myths
blog post - The Parenting Passageway
very helpful suggestions!

Marsha Johnson recommends Celtic Designs: Knots, Crosses, and Patterns for Relaxation

How to Play Chess (PDF)

a humorous story from the jotun's point of view:
Helga's Dowry: A Troll Love Story by Tomie dePaola

some thoughts on Norse-ish recipes:

Main Text

We are using

I always seem to have so many books for every block but I sat down and deliberately chose just one anthology to guide us here. D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths has 30 chapters, so two blocks of four weeks each. I took a lot of time before I picked their book; their Greek Myths volume is not my favorite. But I think this collection is very well done! (Notes on other Norse Mythology collections, if you want some different options, are listed at the end of this page.)

The stories go as follows (and if I see a painting/modeling/handwork connection from one of my art books -- or a source for a class play script for a certain myth-- I've included it here in my notes):

Block I

Block II


    You will not want to miss the D'Aulaire's pronunciation guide. It is in the back.

    Painting and Drawing in Waldorf Schools: Classes 1 to 8
    has paintings for four additional myths:
    Siegfried and Mime (forging the sword) - page 201
    Siegfried slays the dragon - page 202
    Weland's flight - page 203
    the wild wood wife (Siegminne and Wolfdietrich) - page 204

    Although he writes it as "Siegfried," the first two paintings are for the legend of Sigurd Sigmundsson. If you are including this legend, there are a few other resources you might like as well. Stories, Verses, and Plays for Children by Roberto Trostli is available for FREE at the Online Waldorf Library as a downloadable PDF. It contains a script for this story called "The Curse of the Ring."

    This legend is not in the D'Aulaire's book but it is in The Children of Odin by Padraic Colum, which can be found FREE online at Gateway to the Classics. The Trostli play tells the story of PART IV, THE SWORD OF THE VOLSUNGS. Colum tucks it in right at the end chronologically, after Loki's Punishment and before Ragnarok.

    Creative Pathways: Activities that Strengthen the Child's Cognitive Forces
    has form drawing suggestions / handwork suggestions for the play "Odin the Wanderer"

These are the other books I own for this topic:

Norse Mythology and the Modern Human Being
no retellings of legends, strictly an explanation of why these are so important in Waldorf education
by Ernst Uehli, translated by Rudolf Copple

    I've just learned that this book is available for free at the Online Waldorf Library

    chapter 1: Mimir
    chapter 2: Baldur and His Death
    chapter 3: Odin and the Fenriswolf
    chapter 4: Thor and the Giants
    chapter 5: Freyr and Gerda
    chapter 6: Odin, Vidar and Michael

More Norse mythology collections available online for free at

The Norse Stories and Their Significance
27 stories, plus explanation of anthroposophical significance in the development of the child, no illustrations
by Roy Wilkinson

Iduna and the Magic Apples
beautiful picture book by Marianna Mayer, illustrated by Laszlo Gal

Odin's Family: Myths of the Vikings
collection of 15 stories and illustrations for each, best if you only have time for one 4 week Norse Mythology block
retold by Neil Philip, illustrated by MaryClare Foa

Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythology (The World Mythology Series)
the older version of this MLB I wrote was based on this anthology of 28 stories,
text by Brian Branston, illustrations by Giovanni Caselli

It is also an excellent choice if you want to do two blocks, with superior illustrations and longer more detailed retellings than D'Aulaires', which may be your preference

Blog Posts from Teaching This Topic in 2020

Blog Posts from Teaching This Topic in 2018

Older Versions of This Block

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