My Montessori Library
updated June 18, 2020

My Montessori library includes my Lower Elementary (ages 6-9) Montessori training binders, which are NOT available to lend.

I also have a large number of Montessori curriculum materials. These are listed in my blog post Montessori Materials Wishlist (Elementary) along with a list of the materials I don't yet own -- but recommend -- and where to get them.

Please contact me with any questions about differentiating instruction. These materials are invaluable for teachers who want to set up their classrooms according to multiple intelligence theory.

I also find it really interesting to discuss how Montessori teachers set up their work so that it is as individualized as possible, allowing students to plan the schedule of their own day and work academically at their own pace. A Montessori environment stresses a prepared environment, a prepared adult, and freedom with responsibility.

Montessori theory is valuable to study for classroom management reasons, not just for its curriculum materials (such as the Math materials, widely regarded as the best in the world).

Here is a little background on the Five Great Lessons. And here's a LOT of background, including one teacher's version of the actual stories. Thank you, Miss Barbara!

Here are my own 2018-2019 blog posts from presenting the Montessori Great lessons and the corresponding follow-up work with some Lower Elementary age tutoring students:

Here are the 2017 blog posts with notes from all of my Montessori curriculum workshops at our local public library:

You may also enjoy my blog post series on planning a 2017 Summer Camp around the Montessori Second Great Lesson:

I have a few additional Montessori books:

Look at the Child: An Expression of Maria Montessori's Insights
by Aline D. Wolf

A Parent's Guide to the Montessori Classroom
by Aline D. Wolf

Tutoring is Caring: You Can Help Someone to Read
by Aline D. Wolf

How to Use Child-size Masterpieces for Art Appreciation
by Aline D. Wolf

And I have LOTS of other books which I recommend as supplemental resources for the Great Lessons. The Five Great Lessons of the Montessori Curriculum are by far the most Waldorf-y of all the aspects of the Montessori approach. These wonderful impressionistic and vibrant lessons are done through oral storytelling, with children sitting in a circle, a candle lit in a darkened room, and large playstand canopy silks covering pictures, artifacts, and demonstrations which are slowly revealed as the stories progress:

The First Great Lesson: How the Universe and the Earth Came to Be

The Second Great Lesson: How Life Came to Be

The Third Great Lesson: How Mankind Came to Be

The Fourth Great Lesson: How Written Language Came to Be

The Fifth Great Lesson: How Numbers Came to Be

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